Preparing for Marriage
At times, today's culture can work against your commitment to a healthy, lifelong Christian marriage. But the Church tells us that the time of marriage preparation is "a special opportunity for the engaged to rediscover and deepen the faith received in baptism and nourished by their Christian upbringing. " Familiaris Consortio #51

The Catholic Church offers you the building blocks with which to build a solid foundation for your marriage. The cornerstones of that solid foundation begin now, in your engagement period. Among the key elements of effective and successful marriage preparation are self-knowledge (through an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, both as individuals and as a couple) and good formation (through a strong educational program on the sacrament of matrimony).
This diocesan marriage preparation program (steps outlined to the right) will provide you with the spiritual resources and practical tools you need for a strong and healthy marriage - not only as newlyweds, but for a lifetime.